The Knick Wiki

PatrickCunningham PatrickCunningham 5 December 2015

Anonymous wiki needs your help

Greetings Citizens of the world this is My. Cunningham. Anonymous wikia needs your help. We would like you to know that we do not honor VANDALISM. If you Vandalize at Anonymous wiki we are going to give you a warning & if you continue you are probably going to be blocked. The wiki has a lot of articles that need to be improved. I am going to leave you a link below to the wiki. You do not have to join Anonymous wikia but the link is below if you chose to join. We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us at Anonymous wiki.

PatrickCunningham (talk) 08:48, December 5, 2015 (UTC)

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